29.07.2024 – On 29 July 2024, an intense and competition for the place at our school, bringing together some of the best young minds from various schools in the region. The event was organized by the organizing committee headed by

 Mr. Janarthan.


The competition saw participation from 17 schools represented by players under the various divisions. The players were categorized as U-11, U-14, U-17 and U-19


The day started with the welcome address where all the teachers, coaches, PTI’s and participants of various schools were welcomed tot eh Inter –School Chess Tournament for girls.

The chief guest for the event was Mr. Junaise, chief arbiter and founder of Knights chess Academy, Gudalur. A warm welcome was given to the chief guest and he was presented with a bouquet.

Following the chief guest introduction was the traditional lamp lighting ceremony. To dispel darkness and bring the wisdom of light, the lamp was lit. To mark the beginning of this, the chief guest , Mr. Junaise and our principal Rev. Sr. AviaVaz were invited. To other  dignitaries to join them were Mr. Janarthan, Ms.Bharathi and the sports captain, MS. Chavvy,

To invoke God’s divine blessings Ms. Catherine George the Head girl led everyone into prayers. This was followed by a hymn by the school choir.

After the prayer song, the chief guest and Rev. Sr. Principal made their first move and the game kick started. As the rounds progressed the competition grew fiercer. Students from various schools displayed

Remarkable level of concentration and strategy. The Day 1 of Inter –School chess for girls ended on a happy note.